How can work experience boost your career in sports journalism?

Ever thought about how to get a foot in the door with your dream career?

Tuxtra have spoken to Ash Stone who is a part of the social media team for Non-league side Redcar Football Club and a current student sports journalist at Teesside University about how to get work experince.

Ash talks about his roles, responsibilities and opportunities whilst working with professionals in his field and how this experience benefits his career opportunities

He said: “I’ve worked with live reporting with Twitter posts during the game, I’ve worked with graphics and with match reports.

Beginning with his own twitter account, Ash has operated Redcar’s Twitter account providing match updates, he has also been able to interview players without the added pressure of other journalists and broadcasters taking part.

Ash enjoys working for Redcar as it “gives a sense of community” as the club has a local pride throughout the area and having a sense of pride supporting your local Non-league team.

He also mentions the importance of Non-league football and why more people should try to pay more attention to their local Non-league teams.

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