Spending time with pets is proven to have a calming effects on us.

Pets do to make us happy – according to the latest research.

There are more and more scientific studies being undertaken that are proving that spending time with pets is having a positive effect on our mental state.

There has also been a lot of news coverage around loneliness and for many older people they are unable to look after a pet full time but  miss the companionship.

This is where therapy dogs come in – a service offered by different companies that are more commonly known for going into care homes and visiting the residents.

The idea of petting dogs as a way to calm people down and cheer them up is becoming more popular with schools now welcoming them in to help children with their reading.

Over the last couple of years, even Teesside University has had a couple of visiting therapy dogs.

If someone is taken ill, the hardest part is being away from pets and missing them.

Most hospitals have strict rules on animals being allowed in, however with more and more studies showing that pets are having a positive impact on how we are feeling, many are now being urged to alter their ruling and allow pets to visit their unwell owners.

June, 70 lives alone and she is visited once a week, to see what her thoughts are, click the video and find out more.


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