Sexual violence and harassment allegations in universities across the UK have increased from 476 to 1,436 in the last three years, according to a BBC investigation.
Now universities across the UK are being encourage to acknowledge these situations and act accordingly.
Here at Teesside University the Student’s Union has taken action and set up a help and advice service for any students in distress.

Teesside University’s Students Union has been working with local companies; SARC Teesside (Sexual Assault Referral Centre) and ARCH North East to offer support across the campus.
During Fresher’s week SARC set up a stall promoting its new campaign #Notaskingforit.
As a result, drop-in sessions were provided at the Student Support desk in the Student’s Union.
Listen to Katy MacKay, SARC Link Worker, as she explains what SARC does for the Teesside community:
Listen below to find out what the drop-in sessions offer:
Katy said: “We want students to know that help is available 24 hours- a- day from the local Sexual Assault Referral Centre here in Teesside.”
“Research released earlier this year revealed that ‘more than half of UK university students across the country are being exposed to unwanted sexual behaviours such as inappropriate touching, explicit messages, cat-calling, being followed and / or being forced into sex or sexual acts’, which is worrying.
“We have worked closely with Teesside University Students’ Union to raise awareness of sexual violence by delivering training to Student Peer Leaders for Clubs and Societies and Student Union bar and event staff.
“However, more needs to be done locally and nationally to stamp out this behaviour and make it clear that unwanted sexual behaviours are definitely #NotOk.
“We will continue to work across Teesside to reinforce that message.”
If you have experienced anything mentioned in this article please contact:
SARC TEESSIDE: 03333 44 8283
ARCH NORTH EAST: 01642 822331